Jun 15, 2012

Jun 15, 2012

Hundreds of new generic Top Level Domains (gTLD's)

ICANN has finally published who applies for which new generic TLDs. The New gTLD strings, inholds hunderds of generic Domain ideas. Some are good and some bad.

These are the most wanted according to the list:

13 applicants want .APP.

11 companies and persons would like to own and run .HOME and .INC.

10 parties understanding art applied for .ART.
  9 applications were received for: .BLOG, .SHOP .BOOK og .LLC.
  8 would like to run: .DESIGN, .MOVIE og .MUSIC.
  7 applied for each of these: .HOTEL, .NEWS, .MAIL, .LTD, .CLOUD, .LOVE, .WEB, og .STORE.
  6 companies want .VIP, .ONLINE, .CORP, .CPA, .NOW, .TECH, .BABY, .LAW, .GMBH, og .GROUP.
  5 have interest in .SITE, .TICKETS, .BUY, .FREE, .STYLE, .GAME, og .SALE.

And four would like .GAY.

ISNIC is the registry for the beautiful ccTLD .is which is 25 year old this year.