Mar 22, 2022

Mar 22, 2022

Errors in forwarding service

Yesterday one of the servers handling ISNIC's forwarding environment was decommissioned.

Last night it was discovered that domains in forwarding were in some cases returning wrong results. The system answers included the IP address of the old server.

All documented procedures for this decommissioning were followed, but it turned out that a script that should reload all DNS zones in forwarding did not work correctly. As soon as this was discovered all forwarding DNS zones were manually reloaded.

The nameservers for the .is TLD were not affected in any way, only users using our forwarding service may have had issues. The forwarding service is intended to be a simple way for users who just want to forward their domain to e.g. a facebook page to have a web presence. Users with more availability requirements are strongly encouraged to purchase hosting services for their domain elsewhere.

After this incident we will fix the affected script, and improve our monitoring to catch these types of incidents earlier.