18. des. 2013

18. des. 2013

Office Hours over the holidays

We will be here:

23.12. open 09-15 (GMT)

Our web portal will be open 24/7 as usual, and you can manage and register your .is-domains after login on isnic.is.

24.12. Office closed.

25.12. Office closed.

26.12. Office closed.

27.12. Friday, open as usual.

30.12. Monday, open as usual.

31.12. Last day of 2013, open 09-12 (GMT).

01.01. Office closed.

ISNIC sends warm greetings to all of it's customers, very many new ones from all over the world who now have a nice litle .is domain in 2013. 

Happy new year!

ISNIC's Staff.

Skildu eftir skilaboð og við munum hafa samband næsta virka dag.

Skilaboð móttekin