8. ágú. 2014

8. ágú. 2014

api-dev and api upgrades at ISNIC

Dear ISNIC API users,

our API servers will be upgraded early next week. This is a OS upgrade and we're expecting very little service interruptions. The production API service should not be offline, but run on a backup server momentarily during the change.

We expect api-dev to be upgraded monday morning, before 12AM and upon successful operations for a day or so, we'll upgrade api (production) on wednesday morning, before 12AM.


Stýrikerfisuppfærslur á api og api-dev þjónum ISNIC verða framvæmdar á mánudag- og miðvikudag. Þar sem hægt er að nota varavél á meðan skipt er um vél fyrir API gerum við ráð fyrir mjög litlum truflunum.