3. júl. 2023

3. júl. 2023

ISNIC's phone hours until August 14th.

Dear customers.

ISNIC's phone hours in July until August 14th are from 09:00-12:00 GMT all working days. We remind you that registration of .is domains is fully automatic through isnic.is, and instructions to all major actions can be found in our FAQ page

For technical assistance, the most effective way is to email us at isnic@isnic.is and we'll answer as soon as possible.

Here are instructions for a few common actions:

How do I login?
How do I renew a domain?
How do I transfer a domain name from one registrant to another?
How do I change nameservers on a domain?
Where can I find invoices?

Have a great summer!

ISNIC staff

Skildu eftir skilaboð og við munum hafa samband næsta virka dag.

Skilaboð móttekin